Lab Fun

Lab Summer BBQ in Poway (August, 2024)

Raul with our summer students Diana and Vania, at their poster presentation for the ENLACE program (August, 2024)

First days in beautiful La Jolla, San Diego! Our lab is only a 5 minute drive from here.

Celebrating our arrival to UCSD with our neighbors: Chu and Newton Labs.

Siri receiving the American Association of Immunologists Award for best oral presentation and the Mel Cohn Semi Finalist Award at the La Jolla Immunology Conference.

Hayley’s hooding ceremony (Stanford, July 2024)

Hayley’s thesis defense and celebration with the entire lab (April, 2024)

Stanford Immunology Scientific Conference (November, 2023)

Adventures at the San Diego Zoo (October, 2023)

Closing our lab at Stanford M&I after 9 years! New beginnings/great moments to come at UCSD.

Lab picnic at Stanford (June, 2023)