Selected Publications

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Transitional dendritic cells are distinct from conventional DC2 precursors and mediate proinflammatory antiviral responses.

Sulczewski Bandeira F*, Maqueda-Alfaro RA*, Alcántara-Hernández M*, Perez OA, Saravanan S, Yun TJ, Seong D, Arroyo Hornero R, Raquer-Mckay HM, Esteva E, Lanzar ZR, Leylek RA, Adams NM, Das A, Rahman AH, Gottfried-Blackmore A, Reizis B, Idoyaga J. Nat Immunol. (2023)
*These authors contributed equally to this work.

Rapid recruitment and IFN-I–mediated activation of monocytes dictate focal radiotherapy efficacy.

Tadepalli S*, Clements DR*, Saravanan S, Arroyo Hornero R, Lüdtke A, Blackmore B, Paulo JA, Gottfried-Blackmore A, Seong D, Park S, Chan L, Kopecky BJ, Liu Z, Ginhoux F, Lavine KJ, Murphy JP, Mack M, Graves EE, Idoyaga J. Sci. Immunol. (2023)
*These authors contributed equally to this work.

Plasmacytoid dendritic cells: A dendritic cell in disguise.

Arroyo Hornero R, Idoyaga J. Mol. Immunol. (2023)

Reclassification of plasmacytoid dendritic cells as innate lymphocytes is premature.

Reizis B, Idoyaga J, Dalod M, Barrat F, Naik S, Trinchieri G, Tussiwand R, Cella M, Colonna M. Nat Rev Immunol. (2023)

Mass cytometry profiling of human dendritic cells in blood and tissues.

Alcántara-Hernández M, Idoyaga J. Nat. Protoc. (2021)

Alveolar macrophages and epithelial cells: The art of living together.

Clements D, Idoyaga J. J Exp Med. (2021)

Chromatin Landscape Underpinning Human Dendritic Cell Heterogeneity.

Leylek R, Alcántara-Hernández M, Granja J, Chavez M, Perez K, Diaz O, Li R, Satpathy A, Chang H, Idoyaga J. Cell Rep. (2020)

Integrated cross-species analysis identifies a conserved transitional dendritic cell population.

Leylek R*, Alcántara-Hernández M*, Lanzar Z, Lüdtke A, Perez OA, Reizis B, Idoyaga J. Cell Rep. (2019)
*These authors contributed equally to this work.

The versatile plasmacytoid dendritic cell: Function, heterogeneity, and plasticity. [Review]

Leylek R, Idoyaga J. Int Rev Cell Mol Biol. (2019)

High-dimensional phenotypic mapping of human dendritic cells reveals interindividual variation and tissue specialization.

Alcántara-Hernández M*, Leylek R*, Wagar LE, Engleman EG, Keler T, Marinkovich MP, Davis MM, Nolan GP, Idoyaga J. Immunity. (2017)
*These authors contributed equally to this work.